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Navigating Parenting Rapids: Keeping Our Kids Safe in a Wild World

Navigating the stormy seas of modern society, the concept of family feels like a lighthouse in a hurricane. Our kids, who are so precious and easily influenced, face a barrage of societal pressures that could undermine the values we're trying so hard to instill in them. I recently had a great chat about this on my podcast "Out of the Darkness" with Cheryl Lutz, a biblical counselor and Bible teacher.

Keeping Our Kids Safe

Our conversation with Cheryl kicked off on a serious note, discussing how society seems to be waging a war against the family unit. As parents, we're the first line of defense in this battle by keeping our kids safe and giving them the tools they need to navigate a world full of temptation and sin. Cheryl hit the nail on the head when she said, "Even in a controlled environment like homeschooling, children are not immune to worldly influences." This wake-up call highlights the need for constant vigilance and preparation through God's word.

"We've got to use God's word and prepare our kids for the world, no matter where they come from," Cheryl advised on the podcast. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." The cornerstone of this preparation is a strong relationship with Christ and a good grasp of biblical principles.

Building Personal Faith Journeys

Parents are on the tightrope between faith and parenting, especially in the homes of church leaders. Cheryl emphasized how crucial it is for parents to nurture their own relationship with God, independent of inherited beliefs. Cheryl said, "They have to make that faith their own." That's true for every believer.

Church leaders' families are often under the microscope, and it can be tempting to please everyone else instead of staying true to oneself. The only way to get over these hurdles is with community support and a lot of prayer. It is so important to have an authentic personal faith journey that can withstand external pressures.

Fostering Community Inside Church Walls

We chatted about how churches can create a safe, judgment-free space for spiritual growth, emphasizing that the church should be a sanctuary where "we can have tough conversations with humility and honesty." It's all about maintaining a supportive environment where individuals, especially young people, can deal with issues like drug use and same-sex attraction without feeling judged.

Drawing inspiration from Roman soldiers who used their shields to protect each other. There is a need for Christian camaraderie. "We've got to create a safe community and remember that we're in this together," Cheryl said, beautifully summing up the essence of fellowship as described in Galatians 6:2: "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Armoring Our Kids with Spiritual Gear

Throughout our chat, one important point kept coming up: arming our kids with the armor of God as laid out in Ephesians 6:10-18. This spiritual armor is our kids' defense against societal currents that try to pull them away from their faith. By teaching them to use the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and by instilling in them the shield of faith, we help them fend off the fiery darts of the evil one.

A Big Shout Out to Cheryl Lutz

I encourage you to get a copy of Cheryl's book "Securely Held" and listen to her podcast "Secure in God's Embrace," both are fantastic resources. For those who want to find out more about Cheryl Lutz's ministry, check out her website.

Final Thoughts

Let's think about Deuteronomy 6:6-7, which encourages us to impress God's commandments upon our kids, talking about them at home and on the go. My chat with Cheryl was a powerful reminder of our duty as parents to stand strong in our mission to protect our kids from societal pressures.

Remember, it's not just about shielding our kids from the world but preparing them to be lights within it. Let's take the wisdom from our episode to heart and keep fostering a community that empowers families to anchor their loved ones in faith and togetherness. Join us in this journey by subscribing, commenting, and sharing this message of hope and resilience.

Together, let's build a compassionate community for families of faith where everyone is guided and supported in their spiritual journey.



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