I have shared in the past about my journey with addiction and my recovery that was possible only through fervent prayer, and how prayer has become the foundation of my life. But that hasn't always been the case.

There was a time when I simply didn’t believe in the power of prayer or understand why I should pray.
Other times, I just didn't think it was a priority in my life.
I've even blamed my busy life for not praying.
Very simply, prayer was not a priority in my life, and I now see what I missed out on.
Almost nine years ago, I made a pivotal change in my life. That one simple child-like prayer that propelled me into recovery has now become the cornerstone of my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to share what I have learned over the last eight years with you. I want 2024 to be the year when you make prayer the priority in your life.

The 2024 100-Day Prayer Challenge
To help you and me, I have created the 100-Day Prayer Challenger. I am basing it on my first book; we will go through the book together. Starting January 1, I will share with you a chapter of the book and give you a prayer prompt and a prayer/verse. But most importantly, we will PRAY TOGETHER for 100 DAYS.
I pray that we’ll become more like Jesus Christ in 2024. In the process, I believe we’ll grow in our prayer life and grow in our understanding of God’s design for us.
I’d love to have you join me on this journey! I’ve learned it’s much more fun to take on challenges and goals with others. And I always appreciate some accountability. I don’t care if you go through my prayer guide or not. I will be sharing everything on a private Facebook Group. I encourage you to join me in the Facebook Group where, as a community, we can encourage one another and hold each other accountable. I will also be doing some Facebook Lives to share what I am learning during this challenge.
This challenge starts tomorrow, Monday, January 1st. You can always join us even after we start! I will also post on Instagram.
Are you interested in joining me on this 100-day prayer challenge? I hope so!