Welcome back! Heaven rejoices when those separated from their relationship with God find their way back. Rest assured, God holds no anger or grudges against you. Know that your
heavenly Father loves you. Starting over in Christ, you can feel His warm embrace and see the joy in His eyes as
He welcomes you home.
Give all your problems to God, no matter how messy your life has been, and let Him restore
it. Allow His peace to flow through your being and comfort you.
Don’t navigate your Christian walk without the support of others. We are not meant to be an
island on our own. Find a good church where you can experience the joy of fellowshipping
with others.

Dive into your Bible, letting the words on the pages guide you on your spiritual journey. I
highly recommend The New American Standard version if you don’t have a Bible. It is easy
to read and understand. Check if the church you attend offers courses that can deepen your
understanding of your recent commitment. Discover how to establish a strong base for your
daily journey with Christ. For example, what is a Christian, and how do you read your Bible?
What is water baptism? Baptism in the Holy Spirit and being a disciple of Jesus? The more
knowledge you have, the better you can apply it to your Christian life.
I have been a Christian for over fifty-three years, and I can testify God is the only way to live
this life. His ways are right, and the peace He offers is needed today.
Stay close to your heavenly Father by praying daily and growing your relationship with Him.
He will look after you and take care of all your needs. There is no greater love than that of
our heavenly Father. May you find peace, love, and joy as you reconnect with your faith and
relationship with God. Welcome home!