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A New Beginning

It’s a new day, a new month, and a new beginning of a new year. I’m grateful for the gift of life and filled with holy anticipation for how God will show up each day. This year, my word is "discipleship," a theme that came to me during a heartfelt conversation with my dear friend Andrea. It’s a reminder of my calling and an invitation to deepen my walk with Christ while helping others do the same.

One of the things I cherish most about my life is the opportunity to encourage women, offering them a faith-centered perspective that leads to hope and transformation. As I prepare to mentor and teach women about discipleship, I am focusing on what it means to walk alongside others in faith. Discipleship is about building relationships, sharing God’s truth, and growing together in Christ’s love. It’s a beautiful and humbling process that reminds me of my life’s goal: to know Christ and to help others live better stories—stories of purpose, love, and faith that become part of God’s grand redemption song.

This past season has been a deeply personal journey of discovering what discipleship truly means. As I sought the Lord, I began to hear the Holy Spirit clearly telling me that this is the path He wants me on: to be a disciple and to disciple others. This calling has reshaped my understanding of faith and has deepened my commitment to walk closely with Christ while helping others do the same. It has been a transformative experience, and I’m in awe of how God works through us when we surrender to His plan.

Here are a few lessons God has been teaching me:

  • God has always been with me.

  • God will always be with me.

  • God is compassionate and kind.

  • I can extend that same compassion and kindness to myself and others.

  • Discipleship is a call to walk alongside others, pointing them to Christ through love and truth.

  • True discipleship requires humility and a willingness to be both a learner and a teacher as we grow in Christ together.

Reflecting on our stories shows us the power of God’s work in our lives. Instead of dismissing the past, we can strengthen our walk with the Lord by focusing on Bible study and prayer. Working on your testimony and mentoring other women are also powerful ways to grow in faith and share His truth. While our spirits are made new in Christ, the way we think and respond—our soul life—often remains shaped by old patterns. For many, lies that contradict God’s truth still dictate emotions and actions, preventing us from experiencing the fullness of freedom in Christ.

This year, I’m holding onto Colossians 1:28–29: “He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.” This passage captures the heart of discipleship—to grow in Christ ourselves while helping others do the same. It’s a beautiful reminder of the work we are called to and the power Christ provides to accomplish it.

The journey of discipleship God has led me on has profoundly impacted how I view others, transformed the emotional climate of my soul, and reshaped the way I respond to life’s challenges. Only Jesus can bring about such change. His Spirit works in ways we cannot explain, renewing us from the inside out and leading us to live differently—freer, fuller lives.

So, as we begin this new year, my prayer for you is this: May God draw you into the path of discipleship. Take this month to get real with Him about any emptiness or ache you’ve been carrying. Sit with Him daily, even if it’s just for five minutes. Ask Him to show you how to walk closer with Him, how to grow through His Word, and how to share His love with others.

Expect Him to work because He already is. His love for you is greater than you can imagine. My prayer is that you’ll experience more of His love and presence in this new year.

We can do this. We can yield our lives to God and embrace the journey of discipleship together.

Your sister in Christ,



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