The Out of the Darkness podcast, the podcast for women who want to live a purposeful, authentic, and amazing life in Christ Jesus, is live on iTunes!
If you’d like to support and help grow Out of the Darkness, one of the easiest ways to do so is to take two minutes right now and leave a podcast review over on iTunes.
Because the more reviews the show gets, the more prominently it will be featured in iTunes’ podcast shop, which means more people will find it and listen. And the more people who listen, the bigger this movement will get.
Not sure how to leave a review? Here’s a step-by-step guide:
To leave a review from your computer:
1. Click here to go to the Out of the Darkness Podcast on iTunes.
2. Click the “Listen on Apple Podcasts” button to open the podcast in iTunes on your computer.
3. Click the “Subscribe” button under the cover graphic, and then confirm on the window that pops up.
4. Click on “Ratings and Reviews” under the podcast title (to the right of the graphic), and choose how many stars you want to give it (5 is best, but make it an honest review).
5. Click on the “Write a Review” button (just below where it says “Customer Reviews”), enter a title for the review, and write a short paragraph explaining what you like about the podcast and why you’d recommend it (assuming you would). The button will look like this:
NOTE: It does not have to be long! A few words are just fine.
6. Click the blue “Submit” button.
That’s it – it’s that easy!
To leave a review from your smartphone or tablet via the podcasts app:
1. Launch the “Podcasts” app.
2. Tap the Search button at the bottom.
3. Enter “Out of the Darkness with Ruth Hovsepian” and tap the blue Search button at the bottom right.
4. Tap the cover art for Out of the Darkness with Ruth Hovsepian.
5. Tap the “Reviews” tab.
6. Tap “Write a Review” at the bottom.
7. Enter your iTunes password to log in.
8. Tap the stars to leave a rating.
9. Type in your title and review the content. It doesn’t have to be long — a few words is fine!
10. Tap “Send.”
P.S. – Thank you in advance for downloading, subscribing, and leaving your review! It makes a huge difference in helping the podcast be visible in iTunes so others can find it, and THAT helps grow the Out of the Darkness!
Here’s that link again: