Finding God
Only God, through Christ, has the power to forgive sin. It doesn’t matter how big or small the sin is; it doesn’t matter when it was committed. It doesn’t matter whether it was accidental or pre-planned. God will forgive your sins if you come to Him at the cross of Jesus Christ.
Ask for Forgiveness
Finding God starts with an initial decision to respond to Jesus and trust Him as your personal Savior. Salvation holds no magic formula. You choose to turn from a life without Jesus to daily walking with Jesus, following His ways, and obeying His word. Our journey is finished when we meet with Jesus on the other side of eternity.
If you have never decided to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior, now is the time to do that. Here is a prayer to help you take the first step of trusting and committing your heart and life to Jesus.
Dear Heavenly Father, Today I want to receive you as my Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus is your Son and that You raised Him from the dead. I believe this with all my heart. I commit my heart, my mind, my words, my actions, everything I have, and everything I am to You. I purposely draw close to You, and I thank You that You draw near to me. I repent of all known sins in my life and ask that You forgive me of any unrepented sin. Likewise, I forgive anyone that has sinned against me. I set them free and let the offenses go. I now receive Your love, Your instruction, comfort, and guidance. Thank You for welcoming me and this new fresh start and life with You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Continue Your Journey
Here are some basic steps to take on your journey with Jesus.
1. Start a life of prayer. Prayer is talking and listening to Jesus.
2. Start reading the Bible. Start in the New Testament in the book of John.
3. Find a Bible-based church and get connected with other believers.